How Much Do Residences Cost At Pinewood Station in 22079?
8232 Stationhouse Ct is an amazing townhouse in 22079 in Lorton, But it's not for every buyer. You have a lot of options in Fairfax County. As a buyer, you have a lot of choices to make about what's important to you.Have you thought about:
How important is it that you stay in 22079? Have you considered neighboring areas? Is the cooling system important to you? Did you know that this enclave's most common cool systems are central a/c? Do you prefer hardwood floors? Do you prefer carpet or ceramic? Maybe floors aren't a big concern for you. $455,000 |-| 4 BR |-| 3 BA |-| 1 HB |-| Lorton VAAn awesome Townhouse with Three Levels, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 Baths Upper level has Three Bedrooms and Two Full Bathrooms. The Master Bedroom has its own Private Bath & Extra Large Walk In Closet! Lower level has a WALK OUT BASEMENT & REAR FENCED ... [Read more]

About The Same Size As 8232 Stationhouse Ct?
All the homes in this table are about the same living area as 8232 Stationhouse Ct. Why compare properties of a similar size to 8232 Stationhouse Ct in Lorton? On the other hand, by comparing similarly-sized residences, a buyer can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in Lorton. We love what we do.

An awesome Townhouse with Three Levels, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 Baths Upper level has Three Bedrooms and Two Full Bathrooms. The Master Bedroom has its own Private Bath & Extra Large Walk In Closet! Lower level has a WALK OUT BASEMENT & REAR FENCED ... [Read more]
4 beds, 3 full, 1 part baths
Home size: 1,408 sqft
Added: 06/29/21, Last Updated: 06/29/2021
Property Type: Townhouse for Sale
MLS Number: VAFX2004352
Subdivision: Pinewood Station
<!--List Price: 455000.00
Lorton Home Buying Tips
Stuart's helpful information of the day for buyers looking at 8232 Stationhouse Ct in Lorton
Every day, Stuart Nesbitt works real estate in Lorton, Virginia. 8232 Stationhouse Ct is currently listed for sale at $455,000. This home has 1,408 sqft of above grade living area. Nesbitt Realty will rebate about $2,135 to our client when they use Stuart Nesbitt as their buyer agent. Residences in Pinewood Station were built in 1978. Actually, a home purchase is one of the biggest financial events in your life. So you want to get your cash lined up. Then, once you get your finances in order, don't make any changes or large purchases until AFTER your real estate purchase in Lorton.Related By Price To 8232 Stationhouse Ct
Stuart Nesbitt can help you, if you would like to find out more about 8232 Stationhouse Ct or any of the townhouses below. Furthermore, if needed, Stuart can provide details and more information.- $449,000: 10751 Caledonia Meadow Dr, Manassas, VA 20112 | Bradley Square | Comparables |
- $407,000: 2598 Sylvan Moor Ln, Woodbridge, VA 22191 | River Oaks | Comparables |
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Nesbitt Realty saves buyer's money.
To check out this 1,408 sqft townhouse contact buyers agent Stuart Nesbitt. He can help you with any mid-sized home listed for sale in Lorton, Virginia.