3035 Holmes Run Rd, Falls Church VA 22042 For Sale
How Much Do 1,574 Sqft Detached Homes Cost At Sleepy Hollow in Falls Church?
How Much Does A Mid-Sized Detached Home Like 3035 Holmes Run Rd Cost In 22042 in Fairfax County?
Julie Nesbitt informs us that, depending upon your prequalified spending limit, you might want to reflect on this detached home at 3035 Holmes Run Rd which is on the market $929,999. Still, the average living area of detached homes in the Falls Church area is 2,933 sqft.
$929,999 ⁞ ⁞ 5 BR ⁞ ⁞ 3 BA ⁞ ⁞ 1 HB ⁞ ⁞ Falls Church22042 VA
Location, Location. This immaculate house was built in 1969. Modern but yet still provides a warm countryside feel. 5 great sized bedrooms with 3.5 bathrooms. Surrounded by mature trees, where you can breathe tranquility. This beautiful home ... [Read more]
About The Same Size As 3035 Holmes Run Rd?
All the residences in this table are about the same living area as 3035 Holmes Run Rd. Why compare properties of a similar size to 3035 Holmes Run Rd in the Shenandoah Valley? Actually, by comparing similarly sized detached homes, a home buyer can understand the asking price and the real estate market in the Shenandoah Valley region.
Neighborhoods In 22042 With Options Around $929,999
All the enclaves in this table have places listed which are about the same living area as 3035 Holmes Run Rd. Why identify communities like this? Because, by comparing various enclaves, a home hunter can understand what is in truth available in 22042.
Julie's useful information of the day for buyers looking at 3035 Holmes Run Rd in Falls Church
For just $929,999, you can call this detached home in 22042 yours. In addition, Julie Nesbitt suggests that home hunters in 22042 in Fairfax County test the morning and evening drive between their potential home and work. It's important to know if traffic patterns will require you to leave earlier in the morning. Most of the places in Fairfax County were built in 1994. Julie Nesbitt is very wonderful and stands ready to serve buyer clients in Falls Church. If you're just considering options but not yet ready to move, Julie is patient and patient. When you're ready to move forward she can help you navigate through the reams of paperwork that will make your dreams become reality.
Additional Listings About The Same Price
Julie Nesbitt can help you, if you would like to take a closer look at 3035 Holmes Run Rd or any of the properties below. Furthermore, if needed, she can provide details and more information. "Your concerns are my priority."
A real estate agent's consultation is free and not required.
Nesbitt Realty is offering a rebate of around $5,784 to any purchaser that uses Julie Nesbitt to buy in Sleepy Hollow. To visit this $929,999 home contact buyers agent Julie Nesbitt. She can help you with any $929,999 Split Level-style home listed for sale in 22042 in Fairfax County.
Nesbitt Realty is a family-operated family-owned business that appreciates the opportunity to serve your needs. Locals trust us because we offer the same services as the big companies but with a small-town touch. We have been ranked by consumers and clients as one of the top real estate agencies in Northern Virginia.