Townhome Real Estate Inventory Report
Facts and data about the current state of the townhouse real estate market in Northern Virginia as of 06/30/2023
Are you mulling over the idea of purchasing a townhome in 22152? Will Nesbitt can guide you learn more about townhouse real estate. On the other hand, you could be astonished by what is happening in the townhouse real estate market. See below for more information about the current state of the townhouse real estate market, including- townhouse inventory data,
- what townhouses have recently sold in the area, and
- facts about townhouses currently listed.
8434 Willow Forge Rd, Springfield Real Estate Announcement
Attention: in Fairfax County Virginia 22152 :: $565,000
Location and price are probably the two biggest factors for home property seekers. 8434 Willow Forge Rd is currently available at $565,000. This property has 1,540 sqft of above grade living area. Nesbitt Realty will rebate around $3,025 to our client when they use Julie Nesbitt as their buyer agent. If you've set your budget around $550,000 and you're looking for an interior unit townhouse you may want to take a hard look at the Springfield area.Condominium Real Estate Inventory Report
Facts and data about the current state of the condominium real estate market in Northern Virginia as of 07/21/2022
Are you thinking of buying a condominium in Fairfax County? Of course, you should learn all you can about the market for condos in Northern Virginia. On the other hand, Nesbitt Realty believes that you could be surprised by what is happening with condominiums in the area right now. See below for more info about the current state of the condo real estate market, including- condominium inventory data,
- what condos have recently sold in the area, and
- facts about condos currently on the market.
Are You Wondering How Much Your Interior Unit Townhouse At Charlestown Will Sell For?
Mid-Sized 4-Bedroom Properties That Have Sold At Charlestown
What's your home at Charlestown in 22152 worth? Andrew Patton can help you find the market value of your real estate in Springfield for free.
Did you know that in in the Springfield Area at Charlestown:
House Real Estate Inventory Report
Real estate inventory data, what's sold and facts about detached-home real estate as of 07/21/2022
Are you looking for properties advertised for sale in single-family residence? Of course, you should learn all you can about the market for detached homes in the Shenandoah Valley. In fact, you will be amazed by what is happening in the detached house real estate market. See below for more info about the current state of the single-family residence real estate market, including- single-family residence inventory data,
- what detached homes have recently sold in the Shenandoah Valley, and
- facts about detached houses currently for sale.
6000 Stoneygate Ct, Springfield Real Estate Update
Mid 20th-Century Residence $625,000 ‧ Springfield VA 22152
Contact us to learn more about 6000 Stoneygate Ct in 22152. [random_content group=but}, in the meantime, here's some basic information to get you started.Fairfax County Points
- The average days on market in Fairfax County is 60 days.
- The average living area in Fairfax County is 2,730 sqft. But, 6000 Stoneygate Ct has 1,798 sqft of living area.
- Fairfax County has an average price per square foot of $354 . Conversely, 6000 Stoneygate Ct is $348 per sqft.
- Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in Fairfax County?
- 9480 Virginia Center Blvd #412 is the least expensive home in Fairfax County. 9480 Virginia Center Blvd #412 is listed for $1,800. Above all, 7983 E Boulevard Dr is the highest-priced home in Fairfax County. 7983 E Boulevard Dr is asking $45,000,000.
- The median age of homes in Fairfax County is 34 years. 6000 Stoneygate Ct is 49 years old.
8401 Willow Forge Rd, Springfield VA 22152 Listed
Learn More About Residences Advertised For Sale In The Springfield Area
What do you want to pay for a new property? How much can you afford to pay? You can buy 8401 Willow Forge Rd Springfield VA 22152 for around $550,000. This residence has 1,540 sqft of above grade living area. If you're exploring a purchase of properties in Springfield, Virginia and you want to invest close to $550,000, you may want to contact Nesbitt Realty about 8401 Willow Forge Rd.8349 Forrester Blvd, Springfield VA 22152 Listed
Looking at Residences At Charlestown? Think about This Residence.
Purchasing real estate comparable to 8349 Forrester Blvd for most people is the largest capital matter most residents of Springfield, Virginia will ever make. Not to mention, as a good real estate ace, Stuart Nesbitt will be a strong advocate who understands the information and emotional support that buyers need when comparing 3-bedroom places in Fairfax County and acquiring a home like 8349 Forrester Blvd. Of course, there are many risks to avoid and overcome. In contrast, a real estate professional like Stuart Nesbitt has the answers and can help reduce your work from the buying process.Are You Looking For A Mid 20th-century 3 Bedroom Townhouse For Around $550,000?
To learn more about this 1,540 sqft townhouse email buyers agent Nesbitt Realty. We can help you with any mid-sized home listed for sale in 22152 in Springfield. If you are looking for a special mid 20th-century 3 bedroom townhouse for around $550,000, your options might be limited right now. 8505 Forrester Blvd might be the best selection for you, but we have some more proposals below.